Monday, July 28, 2008

A Really Good Night...

This post is for those who wanted to be there, but couldn't...
Saturday night was such a good night. We took Anderson to see the White Oaks open up for Wild Sweet Orange at Workplay. He was in "rock star" heaven. He was clearly the youngest person there (at the tender age of 9), so he got lots of attention which was fun for him.

We are so proud of these bands! They have incredible talent and we love them so much.
I spent much of the concert tearing up (of course) as I've been quite sad lately, but mostly it was the very sight of dreams coming true for good friends that we love so dearly. These are some seriously talented guys, who have spent most of their lives writing and playing music. To see them up on stage with all the lights and a sold out crowd just made me get a big lump in my throat. (I'm not gonna lie, though... I also got a big lump in my throat this morning when I saw a bluebird... but I think that was for different reasons).
My misty eyes on this night were tears of "Yay!" and "Aaaaww!" which is actually "pride and joy", now I think about it.
So much of my "family" was there. Much of my Shades family, some of my Fullness family, and a few friends that are close as family.
It was good for my soul.
And my looming sadness.
Good times.
Peace, Love & all that Jazz...


Rachel Garcia, CD(DONA) said...

Okay first of all can I just say one thing? Yes? Okay. You are stunning. I love how you dress so shaby chic. Am I spelling that right? You are totally cute or pretty or whatever adjective makes you feel better. ;-)
in all your pictures you just look so snazy. thats it. that's all i wanted to say. ;-P

NotJustLaura said...

I'm glad you had such a good night and I hope it helped chase the blues away.

alli said...

I like you lots.

The end.