Friday, August 08, 2008

One Good Hour

So, I was a bad, bad mommy in my sickness. My poor little tiny children!! They had to exist among me yesterday, having no choice but to endure my nasty tone, words, and actions. All of which were just plain sinful. It was not pretty. Nope. Not pretty at all, folks.
However, as the afternoon crept in, my medication (mixed with a smidgen of good old fashioned conviction), kicked in a bit and we were able to salvage some resemblance of love for about an hour. Oh but it was a good hour indeed!
Here's what we did...
We gathered every pillow and couch and chair cushion in the entire house and made a big pile downstairs. Then the boys used the sofa springs as a trampoline to propel themselves into the pile of softness below. They had a blast!
So keep this in your repertoire of ideas, if ever you have a day this bad and you need to call on something as desperate as sacrificing your expensive upholstery for the salvage of your reputation as a mom!
Oh, but first, make sure to invite one of your kids' friends over. This is an important step, as it assists in spreading the news among neighbors of what an amazingly fun mom you are. Not the evil sick mom that you can be, NO!! NOOEEEW!! Amazing fun mom!... That's what you are.
So then you simply snap pictures!!



So it was a good rainy day redemptive hour.
But after that, well let's just say it was a good thing Matt got home decently early...
Peace, Love, & all that Jazz... (especially for my poor family!)


Chris and Ashley said...

aw, you are a great mom! we've witnessed it many times :-). But, I will definitely put that trick in the back of my mind because I will undoubtedly need "mommy make-up" time! We miss you!

Stephanie said...

Wow, those are cool pix! You are a good mom to let them play with the couch cushions the way you do. I can truly relate to having bad mommy moments. My girls have to put up with alot from me, unfortunately. Hey, subject change... I am sorry for the inconvenience, but I changed my blog address to Thanks! (BTW, all those pix I took when we were in B'ham are GONE. I lost them. I'm so sad. And I'm so sorry!)

Poet4Him77 said...

That's awesome!! And what a great photographer you are as well. I'm sure you are indeed the coolest mom in the neighborhood.

Hey, I tagged you on my blog!!