Thursday, August 07, 2008

In Sickness...

What's better than coughing up lungs and fighting off fever in the middle of summer with a heat index of 1oo degrees?

Well, let's see...

  • Not having those things happen is better.
  • Floating lazily down a dreamy river in an inner tube. Better.
  • Frolicking in a field of wildflowers. That's probably better.
  • Going to Desoto Caverns today with the lovely Fullness peeps...sack lunches in tote, and lots of church love to share. Way better.
  • Oh how bout this? Accidentally hitting your finger with a hammer... I'm gonna say better.
  • Ooo... here's a good one... stubbing your little tiny toe going full force. (Ya know the one that makes you say !%$*?) Most definitely better.
  • Ah... training for a 1/2 marathon in the middle of summer... *pause* Uuummm... Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with respiratory madness & fever.

So I'm sick today... waa waa waa.

But it is dark and quiet around here, and that is a good thing.

How, you ask?

Well, for starters, I won't let the boys turn on any lights or open any doors or have any fun whatsoever that involves noise of any kind. I just can't risk the smidgen of added heat into my world with the opening of doors or the turning on of light bulbs. They lasted about half an hour in that prison, and went straight to the neighbor's to play music.

But I do have some feelings of thankfulness... for the golden silence. And the darkness. And the coolness of the A/C. And the pain relievers. And the reading of books. Which I think I'll go do.

Peace, Love & Wellness... & all that Jazz...


Michelle said...

Girl, I hope you feel better VERY soon. And I have to say..."awwww poor baby" the nicest possible way.

Unknown said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry that you are sick. You know what helps me? A glass (or three) of chardonnay, a heaping bowl of buttery popcorn and The Notebook. :-)

Missy said...

I'm sorry Abbey. Sickness is never any fun, but August sickness is horrible!
I love that you have that song playing and only that song.

Hope you feel better :)

allison said...

Summer colds are the Worst!! So sorry my friend. Wish you well soon - BTW, your last post was super great. So long, fair well, eh? Come visit soon. It is so your turn.